Custodial Maintenance Skills Certificate
The Custodial Maintenance Skills Certificate is an intermediate pathway to the full Built Environment Custodian Skills Certificate. It imparts value-add multi-tasking hard skills to undertake built environment custodial maintenance work efficiently and effectively
Training equips workers with additional skills to undertake minor repair work to complement their existing skills soft FM skills. This secondary job can be done by process scheduling with the primary job as such minor repairs are not required to be done every day.
Course Duration
32 hours
Course Fees
$960 + $50 registration fee (funding available)
This course will cover:
Part 1: Introduction to Custodial Maintenance Services
- Built Environment Upkeep & Maintenance
- Soft & Hard Facilities Management
- Custodial Maintenance Jobs & Role
- Career Progression & Lifelong Learning
Part 2: WSH in Custodial Maintenance Services
- Importance of Workplace Safety & Health (WSH)
- Types of & Causes of Workplace Accidents
- Protection of Workers, Occupants & Residents
Part 3: Basic Hard Facilities Maintenance
- Replacing & Cleaning Lights
- Clearing Sink & Gully Chokes
- Cleaning & Touching Up Wall Paint
- Grouting & Renewal of Joints
- Repair of Cracks in Screeds & Concrete
- Re-aligning and Changing Toilet Bowl Seat Cover
For Enquiries: Call Real Estate & Construction Academy: Ken: 65634166 / 98209803 or Gary: 65634176 / 91868888
Kindly return this expression of interest to: ken@reca.edu.sg or gary@reca.edu.sg